Scholarships Q and A webinar (England only)

15 January 2025 17:30-18:15

Have you decided teaching is for you?
Do you want to know more about the Royal Society of Chemistry/DfE scholarship?
Are you excited about becoming a teacher? Want to know more about how we can support you? 

If you have a passion for chemistry and want to inspire the next generation of scientists, then a teacher training scholarship from the Royal Society of Chemistry can help you on your way.

This year we are awarding £31,000 tax-free funding to up to 150 talented individuals entering chemistry teacher training in England in the 2025/26 academic year.

Our Initial Teacher Training (ITT) Scholarship scheme is run in partnership with the Department for Education.

This webinar will cover how to apply, the application process, tips for writing an amazing application, and detailed information on the support we offer
If you’re curious, come along – now’s your chance to have your questions answered!
(Webinar will run 17:30 –18:15 GMT)

If you cannot make this session but are still interested, please download our further sessions in the series registration document which has links to other sessions in the series.
Organised by
Royal Society of Chemistry – Education
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E-mail Enquiry