Conference Recordings: Directing Biosynthesis VII

13 January 2025 09:00 - 24 January 2025 17:00

Welcome: from this page you can purchase access to video recordings of selected sessions from the three day hybrid Directing Biosynthesis VII conference. The live conference took place in Birmingham, England between 01- 03 July 2024.

The sales window will be open 13 - 24 January. During this time, click on the 'Book now' button above to purchase. 

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Purchasing videos

Registration will provide you with access to the video reording of the orginal live conference for approximately five months. 

Go to the Registration section below to view the talks that are included in this recording. Prior to purchase please view the preview of the recording accessible in the "Useful links" section of this page, so that you are aware of the audio and visual quality.


The sales window for this conference recording is 13 January 2025 - 24 January 2025. After this, it will no longer be possible to purchase. Buyers will have access to the digital recording until 13 May 2025. Don't miss this opportunity to experience parts of the fantastic science shared Directing Biosynthesis VII for a fraction of the live registration fee.

Upon purchase, please allow up to 16 hours for access to the conference recording to be emailed to you. 


  • Genetics, enzymology and structural biology of natural product biosynthesis
  • Genome and microbiome mining, microbiome engineering
  • Synthetic biology and metabolic engineering
  • Chemical ecology and computational approaches for assessing natural products/enzyme functional diversity
  • Industrial applications of natural products and biosynthetic enzymes
The full programme can be downloaded from the 'Downloads' section and see Registration below for which talks from this Symposium are included in the recording. 
There are two recordings available to purchase. If you choose to purchase video recordings of sessions from this conference, you will be able to access the recordings until 13 May 2025. To purchase click on 'Book Now' at the top of this page between 13 - 24 January 2025. Prices include VAT at the standard rate. 

Prior to purchase please view the preview of the recording accessible in the "Useful links" section of this page, so that you are aware of the audio and visual quality. A preview clip introducing the conference has been hosted on the RSC's Youtube channel for this purpose.

Upon purchase, please allow up to 16 hours for access to the conference recording to be emailed to you. 

Why not take a look at the other events you can also access recordings for? Take a look at the linked events at the top of this page. 

Recording number Directing Biosynthesis #01
Presentations in this recording Duration Price
Welcome and introduction
Kira Weissman, University of Lorraine, France

Session 1: Genetics, enzymology and structural biology of natural product biosynthesis I
Biosynthesis of macrolactams with β-amino acid polyketide starter unit
Fumitaka Kudo, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Felix Franks Biotechnology Medal: Unravelling the biosynthetic logic of fungal siderophore biosynthesis
Matthew Jenner, University of Warwick, UK
1 hour and 19 mins £20

Recording number: Directing Biosynthesis #02

Presentations in this recording Duration Price
Session 3: Synthetic biology, metabolic engineering I
2023 Chemical Biology Interface Early Career Prize: Norman Heatley Award: Multiplexed biosynthesis for in vivo Pd catalysis
Stephen Wallace, University of Edinburgh, UK
Detecting, predicting, and generating biosynthetic gene clusters using large natural-language model
Maiko Umemura, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan
Exploration of sidechain N-acyltransferases as biocatalysts for lipopeptide diversification
Anna Lisa Vagstad, ETH Zurich, Institute of Microbiology, Switzerland

Session 4: Synthetic biology and metabolic engineering II
Opening a treasure trove: unlocking saponin biosynthesis in soapwort
Jenny Jo, John Innes Centre, UK
Repurposing a fully-reducing polyketide synthase for 2-methyl guerbet-like lipid production
Michael Herrera, University of Edinburgh, UK
One step from garbage? The future of natural product synthesis
Russell Cox, Leibniz Universitat Hannover, Germany
Biosynthesis of bacterial pyrrolizidine alkaloids and production of new derivatives
Juliana Effert, Max-Planck-Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology, Germany

Session 5: Industrial applications of natural products and biosynthetic enzymes
Enzyme discovery, development & production – Interplay of disciplines to provide solutions for industrial challenges
Alexander Pelzer, BRAIN Biotech, Germany
Right host and right process for successful enzyme production
Alison Arnold, Ingenza, UK
4 hours and 44 mins £30

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