ChemComm First-time authors
Submissions open:
Now open for submission
Guest Editor(s):
At ChemComm we love to celebrate researchers who are publishing their very first article as an independent or corresponding author. This important milestone marks the beginning of your academic career and we are proud to champion authors through this stage and beyond.
If you are writing your very first article, why not submit it to ChemComm? If published, we will give your article and wider research the global exposure they deserve, including a feature interview with the author. Read the interviews included so far on our dedicated ChemComm1st page.
All-Polymer Solar Cells
Submissions open:
Now open for submission
31 May 2025
Guest Editor(s):
Prof Tsuyoshi Michinobu (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Prof Chu-Chen Chueh (National Taiwan University), Prof Ergang Wang (Chalmers University of Technology)
All-polymer solar cells (all-PSCs) offer a promising alternative to conventional small molecule-based organic solar cells due to their many superior properties such as mechanical flexibility/stretchability and higher device stability. Recent significant successes are based on the development of high-performance polymer donors and acceptors that exhibit tunable light absorption, nanoscale bulk-heterojunction morphology, large-area fabrication capability, and long-term stability against external environmental and mechanical stresses. All these properties have greatly improved the photovoltaic performance of all-PSCs and are now in discussion for commercial applications.
RSC Advances
Greening the Exposome: Eco-Friendly Analytical Methods for Monitoring Chemical Exposures
Submissions open:
Now open for submission
31 January 2025
Guest Editors:
Prof. Attilio Naccarato (University of Calabria, Italy) (0000-0001-5799-5369) - ORCID and Prof. Dr. Milena Horvat (Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia) (0000-0001-9630-8242) - ORCID.
This themed collection in RSC Advances aims to address greening the exposome through sustainable analytical methods.
Innovations in Responsive Switchable Magnetic Materials
Submissions open:
Now open for submission
31st January 2025
Guest Editors:
Paulo Nuno Martinho (Universidade de Lisboa Campo Grande, Portugal) (Paulo N. Martinho (0000-0003-2552-6263) - ORCID), Yann Garcia (Université catholique de Louvain UCLouvain, Belgium) (Yann Garcia (0000-0002-3105-0735) - ORCID), Irina Kühne (Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences FZU, Czech Republic) (Irina A. Kühne (0000-0003-0006-404X) - ORCID), Patrick Rosa (Institute of Condensed Matter Chemistry of Bordeaux CNRS, France) (Patrick Rosa (0000-0001-5670-2624) - ORCID).)
This themed collection in RSC Advances aims to develop our current knowledge of responsive switchable magnetic materials, offering opportunities for the development of technologies.
Advanced materials for thermoelectric systems
Submissions open:
Now open for submission
31 May 2025
Guest Editors:
Dr Maiyong Zhu (Jiangsu University, China), Prof. JungHo Kim (University of Wollongong, Australia) & Dr Hafiz Muhammad Ali (King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia)
This themed collection in RSC Advances aims to collect and compile research articles to showcase the recent key progress in studies related to thermoelectric systems, covering the design, enhancement, and application of all thermoelectric systems.
RSC Advances Emerging Investigators series
Submissions open:
21 September 2020
Guest Editor(s):
Fabienne Dumoulin and Shirley Nakagaki
We are delighted to announce the start of another Emerging Investigators series in RSC Advances! This series showcases some of the best research from scientists in the early stages of their independent careers. The series is Guest Edited by Professor Shirley Nakagaki (Federal University of Paraná, Brazil) and Dr Fabienne Dumoulin (Acıbadem Mehmet Ali Aydınlar Universit, Türkiye).
If you are interested in publishing in the collection, please see here for more information on the series. Articles are added to the series as they are published and each year an Editorial article is published featuring recent researchers in the series.
New Principal Investigators: A spotlight on recent appointees
Submissions open:
Now open for submissions
Guest Editor(s):
We are delighted to announce a special collection designed to feature members of our community who are just starting out as principal investigators.
Did you start your principal investigator position within the last three years?*
We know it can be tough setting up a new lab, training students for the first time, teaching undergraduates, as well as growing your own profile in the community.
We want to help. If you submit to this collection, and if your paper is accepted, we will offer extra promotion and visibility through our journal networks to raise your profile with an interview-style blog discussing your vision for your group’s research.
NJC (New Journal of Chemistry)
There are no current Calls For Papers for this journal.
*2023 Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate Analytics, 2024)
**The median time from submission to first decision including manuscripts rejected without peer review from the previous calendar year
***The median time from submission to first decision for peer-reviewed manuscripts from the previous calendar year
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